Sunday, January 3, 2010

Project of the week: No Litter

Don't litter it's bad for the environment. When you litter lets say a candy wrapper if you throw it on the grass a animal might eat it and choke, it takes a candy wrapper 2 years to decompose! Also it isn't as pretty as the look of a litter free environment!

This beach if full of litter. Can you imagine the smell? All the animals in the water and on the beach are probably dying because of the massive amount. Please don't let it get this bad!
This beach is very clean and look at the difference this one has no litter and is more of joy to stay her than the other one.
Pickles~ "NO LITTER !!!" "DON'T DO IT!!!"
pop34~ 'Pick up litter that you saee on the ground"

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