Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eco Buddies

I know most of you go on Eco Buddies. Well I want to know what you think of it, I know when the monitors come on you want to tell them stuff but you don't have time or other people are crowding you. o you can comment and please leave you name of you Eco buddy and I will help you idea be spread to the monitors!


  1. This is a very kewl blog! I love it! I love the new polls and stuff like that! Who would hate this blog? Well, not me of course!

  2. i so much luv all yor animel pictures on this blog and i luv the polls to, rock on green groupe from yor buddy apple

  3. thanx guys and apple ! u rox!!! and i rhik pesto???

  4. This is a awesome blog!!! I love all the animal pictures on here especially the baby animal pictures! They're soooooo cute! And I love all the new polls on here! They are some much fun!!! And it's so sad to hear about the earthquake! It's makes me want to cry! :( So peace out greenbuddiesgroup!!! -bubbles125 :)

  5. thisis my favrirt bloggg i thinck. eraser
